Thursday, May 04, 2006

#1. Ralph's Letters

the letters
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Letters from Ralph W. Lowe dated 1973-1975. We met the summer I worked at Mt. McKinley National Park (now Denali) in 1970 or 71. Ralph and his friend Tim were just passing through. Camping in their van [with a fish decal on the side]. Ralph and I were immediately attracted to each other. In those days, you could be...We carried on a love affair/friendship for a few very impressionable years. He’d come visit me, always unannouced, at my apartment in Burlingame. I visited him, once, unannounced, in Lummi Island, Washington and another time to Salt Lake City. In 2006, when I was cleaning out some boxes, I found his letters. I read through each one, remembering the young girl I was, and the bond Ralph and I shared. I hope to find Ralph W. Lowe, and meet the man he has become. In one of his last letters, he said he was going to be a doctor...
I hope he’s still writing.

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