Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ralph & Me. 1975ish

Here's the one and only photo of Ralph and me. Circa 1975. When I started this letters project, I hadn't heard from him in 30 years...I'd saved his dozen or so letters, tied up with a string, for all those years. When ever we'd move, I'd rediscover the letters, read them, and pack them up again. This time, I knew I wanted to create something with them.


  1. OK, it was what were you smoking? AND your eyes were open! Ah the good ol' days.


  2. Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

  3. Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

  4. Your story of you and Ralph Lowe makes me so ecstatic. I am one of his former students, and he has become such an amazing man. He influences so many young minds, and to think that you had a part in his becoming the wonderful man that all of his students know in love truly warms my heart. The quilt is beautiful. Your story is reminiscent of all of the gorgeous novels that Mr. Lowe opened my eyes to. Thank you for writing about this, it simply made my day.


Thanks so much for visiting!