Thursday, August 17, 2006

Very sad news about our kitty, Cool Baby

Our sweet Cool Baby is gone. She died yesterday of congestive heart failure. She was only 10 years old, and she was the best little girl. We miss her very very much.


  1. I'm so so sorry, Jane ... we lost ours (just disappeared) two months ago -- I join you in the sadness ...

  2. Jane, I'm sorry about your cat. Pets become so much a part of our lives, and truly are a part of the family. When they have to leave us they leave a very noticable hole and we grieve for them. You will have memories of he to cherish, I'm sure.

  3. thank you bonny and lin. Your condolences and empathy help.

  4. 10 is far too young. i'm so sorry for your loss, she looks like such a sweet spirt. as much as i love the current fur-people that live with me, i still feel the void left by others that have shared my life.
    i, too, join you in your sadness.

  5. So sorry to hear about Cool Baby, it is so hard to lose friends. We still miss ours too and have his picture hanging in Jennifers room.

  6. I am so saddened to hear about your cat. I have had many cats and it never seems to get any easier when they leave us. Just remember that yours was not the on life made better by your cat's company..I am sure your cat had a life full of purrring and love.

  7. De-lurking to send you my deepest sympathies. The pain will pass and then there'll be all those happy and funny memories to savour. Hugs!

  8. I lost Leo in April. It hurt. But I found the more I drew Leo the less "gone" he was. I don't believe in much but I do believe that everyone - a friend, a lover, a kitty is always with you even though they're not. You just have to think about them and they never go away.


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