Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Here's the newest member of our family. We got Buddy at the Escondido Humane Society yesterday. He's about 5 months old and a little love machine. He's very friendly, affectionate and cute. We're slowly introducing him to BeBop. BeBop (1-1/2 years old) is quite curious, and nervous about this new 'thing.' Neither of them have hissed at all, so that's a good sign.
We named him 'Buddy' because we got him to be a buddy to BeBop, and he seems like that little red-haired, freckled, nerdy guy you knew in school, who wanted to be your best friend.
Our home seems more complete with two kitties.


  1. he has a beautiful head, he is "majestic"; it's a very cute kitten ;o)


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