Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Lavendar Robe

Another Jim Dine inspired image, this time of my lavendar fleece bathrobe. I always say I'm going to do a series, and then poop out after just two. My plan is two more robes to complete this 'series.' East coast Janey wonders, does everyone have a robe or collection of robes? I have 3, two winter and one summer. Just one pair of slippers though.
watercolor moleskine


  1. Yay, I love Jim Dine's robes and I love yours, too! Yours are a trifle more exuberant and upbeat than his ;D.
    Great ideas emanate often from JaneVille.

  2. I really love this series idea. I have a robe collection, and just assumed everybody does... don't they? ;-)

  3. I loved the pretty red robe, but am quite pleased to discover that you have this great purple one as well. Thought I was the only one that lusted after bright purple robes ... They both look very, very comfy, and I can imagine you being very happy, warm and content in them! Will you do a painting of your slippers, to go with your robes? ;)

  4. wow, sister ~> i just love this idea of painting bathrobes! what a cool series concept! *and* i love the purple colored stripes. i have a white nordstroms robe that is soo luxurious but doesn't have the jazzy appeal of your purple striped robe! i'll have to keep my eyes open.
    happy hearts day,h

  5. I really like both of these. So saturated and luxurious looking. As for robes, you'd think freezing my backside off in Ohio, I'd have several, but I have a grand total of zero. I usually can't get past the prices on the really nice ones, so I just stick with sweatpants and sweatshirts.

  6. eliz, it's not stripes..that's spose to be the shading..

  7. This looks nice and warm. I have no robe but 6 flip flops. They're nike, they were a bargain when a dept store closed only they appear to be indestructible so I'm not sure I needed 6 pair. But they are colorful. Maybe I'll do a series of flip flops. Only they'd look so boring next your beautiful comfy robes. And I was wondering, are those plastic or wire hangers?


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