Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sketchcrawl at the Mission

The San Diego Sketchcrawl group spent most of the day sketching at Mission Alcala--the first mission in California. The weather was perfect--like 80 degrees! We watched a wedding, and did commentary on all the dresses. Very nice day, and the grounds of the mission are so beautiful. That's a large fountain on the right, incase you couldn't tell. I tried to get creative with the placement and cropping, ala my current fave artist mrana but I've got a ways to go..
watercolor moleskine

1 comment:

  1. This is really cool, Jane! Thank you for the mention and the lovely compliment but I can't take credit for your talented eye ... those fabric postcards are gorgeous, what fun, too! The drawings are wonderful, I do love the way you've cropped this and added the background and lettering, great layout. Cheers!


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