Sunday, March 18, 2007

Abundance and Synchronicity

Sunday, March 17, I taught an all day workshop "Illustrating your journal with watercolor" at California Center for Creative Renewal. Twenty five people attended and it was a very fulfilling day. It was the first time I've taught something like this, and I believe I inspired the participants to start their own visual journals, if they hadn't already. Of course, I had many other books to inspire them, like Danny Gregory, Dan Price, and Kate Williamson. Thanks to Ellen, the workshop will be an annual event!

In the past 2 weeks, I've bought four pieces of art. A fabric masterpiece from Sara, a watercolor cat from Janey, a commission of BeBop & Buddy's portraits from Marna and a landscape from Whitney. I am an artist who loves art and buys art, always have. Somehow I feel that my support of these artists has come back to me. Yesterday, I received an abundance of money! Payments from teaching my classes and workshops and a tax refund (the first in many years!) It feels great to earn substantial (to me anyway) money for doing what I love. Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Jane, Thank you so much for posting those photos so that I can relive the joys of yesterday's workshop. I LOVE my little journal. I loved spending the day in Ellen's magnificent garden, and now my friends can see what a good time we had. Thanks for teaching this class and sharing your beautiful journals and all of the delights and inspiration. It seemed like everyone else was having as good a time as I was.
    Hope to do it all again. Hugs, Rachel


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