Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Red Tulips

One of our sunday brunch guests bought this lovely pot of red tulips. It has grass planted around the edge. And Buddy loves to eat the grass and then leave little recycled clumps of it around the house....
watercolor moleskine


  1. Jane, congrats on your CPS article, very inspiring!

    Caren Goodrich

  2. Fun red tulips! Perfect for spring!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. These tulips are lovely! Very uplifting, especially today. It's overcast and windy.

    I read your article in 'Cloth, Paper, Scissors'. I really enjoyed it xzefzyand absolutely loved your drawings. I like the idea of using pencil and then ink in drawing. Something I'll have to try.

  5. Jane,
    I was looking for something to read on the train home from Washington DC to New York tonight and remembered that you had an article in Cloth,Paper, Scissors. I bought it, read it, loved it! Congratulations! I especially loved the sunflower page....

  6. A precious addition to this is, of course, the note about Buddy. Good to know about Buddy's eating / decorating habits. Makes me think of Bill the Cat from Bloom County: Ackptht!

    It only underscores how tightly tied your everyday life is with your art; clearly an integral part of your days. That's an inspiring thought for us all. :)


Thanks so much for visiting JaneLaFazio.com!