Wednesday, March 14, 2007

rock, river, trees

Remember that sketch I did in my sketchbook. And then I created a quilt from the sketch. Well I made monoprint from the sketch onto fabric and stitched it. Stitched a ridiculous amount. I should scan the back of this, but it's so messy. I'm planning on adding a frame/border, but not until I teach the lesson to my art quilt class next week. This is 8.5x11"


  1. WoW, love the tree trunks!

  2. Beautiful, I just love this piece. Do you use fabric paints? By monoprint, do you mean you paint on glass and then transfer to fabric? Wish I lived closer so I could take your classes.

  3. Patti, liquid acrylic paint on plexi. I made 3 of them from the same image and they all turned out very different.

  4. quilted monoprint? That's a first. A beautiful first of course.

  5. Wow, this really gets me going, Jane. Very cool to monoprint onto fabric and then to quilt it. Aaagh, creative juices flowing!


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