Saturday, March 10, 2007

rock, water, trees

Small journal size quilt. Here is the drawing. I'm working on the sllyabus for upcoming Art Quilt class. I usually never plan quilts, but wanted to challenge myself. The prompt is "What view would you like to see out your window?" Mine would be a rock-filled stream, surrounded by tall trees. My fave part of this quilt is the rocks, they are make from tibetan prayer flags.


  1. Hey this is beautiful!! And I love your plan, "What view would you like to see out of your window?"...this should lead your students to a wonderful discovery.. geez, i dig this "rock, water, trees" quilt of yours.
    diggin' it,

  2. Lovely little quilt. The leaf fabric in the background is perfect.

  3. Oh, this is lovely! Mmm!

  4. I love the sketch, the litho and the quilt! Very inspiring

  5. I really like the background fabric and the detail on the trunks of the trees!

  6. Thank you for showing the sketch and the quilt. It is very instructional and inspiring. I find that all aspects and different media that I am involved in feed and fuel the others.This is very apparent in your art! Even the teaching of children helps me to see and loosen changes me!


Thanks so much for visiting!