Friday, May 25, 2007


(be sure and view this in the larger size. click on the pic, and then click again for size)

I created this assemblage/mixed media piece for a juried exhibition at California Center for the Arts Escondido...and it was rejected (!). The theme of the exhibition was 'cultural fusion' and I think this piece was perfect --but of course I'm not the juror...It's made of items sew into vinyl ,and found items, and they are all attached to a rusty metal screen. I can't wait to see what the juror selected. It's about 24" x 18"


  1. What do judges know. And you're way ahead of most people including me. I've never had the courage to enter anything into a show.

  2. You know that I was rejected from a show because the judge did not like beads. She didn't even look at my pieces!! I was told this by the shows curator and this was the first time I had been rejected from a show since I started going fiber/mixed media. Of course it hurt my feelings, but I needed to be reminded that all art is not equal and everyone isn't going to like my work. :) I guess I needed to be brought down a peg...or two.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I know. I've juried before and I've entered lots and lots of shows and been rejected from lots. It's just that I created this piece especially for this exhibition, since it is a museum, and they didn't want work that had ever been seen before. Oh well, I'll enter it at another venue.

  5. Well, Jane, I think it's a beautiful piece -- well thought out, well done, and visually exciting! Someone recently reminded me that juried shows are "a crap shoot" since you really don't know what the juror is thinking and looking for, or even what kind of mood they are in that day ... and I think that phrase really says it all! Another venue -- do enter in another venue!

  6. This is gorgeous Jane, a lot of work when into it I see, wow! and I agree with everyone else that it may not have been what that particular juror was interested in. I've been doing some mixed media work myself too since coming from Art & Soul at the beginning of this month. It's such a rich media to immerse oneself into isn't it?!


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