Monday, June 25, 2007

Reading to goats, and the summer of love..

A friend sent me a photo of her, reading to goats. I painted the goats. Watercolor in my watercolor moleskine.
On another topic, Husb and I had a wonderful evening out on Saturday night in Little Italy. First we went to Sogno Di Vino, a lovely sidewalk cafe for wine and appetizers. Then, to the brand new dinner/jazz club named Anthology. Fabulous place!! Three floors, perfect acoustics, great service, waaaaay gorgeous and trendy. We sat on the 3rd level and had wine (!) and dessert while listening to a really good concert by Jesse Colin Young. Don't remember who he is? Well, he pointed out to the crowd that the 'summer of love' was FORTY years ago...Hmm, how come Jessie has aged so much and Husb and I haven't...Anyway GREAT evening and you gotta go check out Anthology. It's my new fave. Humphrey's is my other fave.


  1. I like the spotted guy. He looks like a unicorn.

  2. Love your goats! Interesting and colorful.

    It is odd how some people age while we remain the same. Old goats! *lol*

  3. Love this sketch - the goats looks so attentive. You're friend's story must have been enthralling!

  4. I love your goats...did I ever tell you about the 2 goats I had when I was a hippie long ago in rural Virginia? When I was listening to Jesse Colin Young? Gotta get over to Anthology!

  5. I've been out of the loop a little recently and its lovely to come back and look through your blog and entries for the last couple of months :) Keep it coming!

  6. I love your goats! The colors are very pretty together, and I just love goats in general because of their eyes, faces, and general shape.

  7. jane those are the cooliest goats ever! i like the stencilled identification too.
    what will you do with the goats?

    i've finally made it over to your blog. very, very nice. love your stitchery.

    and i remember jesse colin young. jeez was it that long ago? shameful how time flies.

    also, my husband and i love the argentinean place in little italy across from mona lisa's. we will have to try the anthology. thanks for the thumbs up.

    what's on your calendar?
    come to my open studio july 14th!!!
    fondly, lisa

  8. i wasn't going to say this but noticed someone from virginia admitted to owning, i had two goats 1966! they were "candy" and "taffy". i love goats.

    one followed me to school - not kidding (no pun about the word kidding either) and i had to take her back home. then she ate the nieghbors flowers and so i had to sell them to a farmer...boohoo

  9. Wow! I love your work and I love goats. I always wanted to have one of my own but I`m sure my neighbours wouldn`t like it. The are not totaly in to sheep either I`m sad to say. And I love sheep too!! So what are a poor girl to do !?!?! Well, me and my husband bought an old farm house in the south of sweden to use as summer house. Lovely neighbours and no sheep or goat problems in sight..... just my husband - unfortunately he isn`t "farmers material". I have to start a persuasion campaign !!!!!

    I would like to link you to my blog! Is that okey?


  10. thanks everyone! Just to clarify, this was from a photo of goats, sent to me by a friend. I've really only seen goats at the county fair, and I'm not sure I've ever even touched one!


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