Sunday, September 02, 2007

A Day in the Park: Yoga & Art

September 1, Ileen (yoga) and I (art) taught a lovely all day workshop "A Day in the Park: Yoga & Art." Here's the group.
(That's me, front row, far left in my new tie-dye pants by Judy.)
Thank you everyone! It was a wonderful day!!


  1. Oh I wish I could do yoga. I have tried but my whole body just protested against the strange postures that I tried to place it in. I was planing to become all calm and peaceful but instead I was just irritated and sore....I`m just not a yoga person. But art in the park - YES that I would very much like! Looks like you had a lovely day! My daughter is a bit better by the way and life feels much easier right now!

    Lots of hugs to you dear Jane!

  2. Hi, Jane! Sounds like you all had a wonderful day... thanks for bringing my pants along! You have inspired me greatly, and I have started working on a series of pant/top sets as a result.
    Happily dyeing,

    Judy Sall

  3. What a wonderful day! Thank you Jane and Ileen, for inspiring and leading us! I thought it was a delightful combination of relaxation and stretching, sketching and painting, gathering and sharing. And I just LOVE the red pants....go Team Jane! xo

  4. LOL Wasn't it fun with the laughter and cool grass and trains and sharing ideas and Ileen's calm soothing voice. Let's do it again! Sally

  5. It's great to know that there are people whom love yoga as I love it!


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