Saturday, October 06, 2007

A few of my watercolor journals

I've spent a good part of the day, creating proposals to teach at Art Unraveled, an annual retreat held in Phoenix, Arizona in August 2008 (in an air conditioned hotel.) I hope to be accepted to teach a couple of workshops. I'm proposing "Sketching & Watercolor in your Illustrated Journal" and two art quilt workshops. Wish me luck, and I'll keep you posted.


  1. you wouldn't by any chance ever think of doing a workshop(s)in blistering hot and soggy wet Florida would you?

  2. Neat looking journals. Looks like Moleskines.

  3. Jane, if that doesn't pan out, come to Flag! Melly is trying to put together a Surface Design conference, and we would love for you to teach a class!


  4. While we're setting up a teaching itinerary for you, how about ArtFiberFest in Port Townsend, Washington?

    Love all that red in the sketchbooks!

  5. WooooHOooo! I'm gonna' see if I can pull some strings for those classes and make sure they are accepted! :)
    Angie in Phoenix

  6. Hi, Jane---any chance of doing the watercolor journal class online? I'm loving the art quilt exploration class!---Carol C.

  7. Jane, all looks great! not to play favorites or anything, but Port Townsend, Washington is one of our favorite places! Pat & I've been there several times and want to move there and own either the music store or bike shop there ;-) wahooo, you go girl! you're right where you're supposed to be, its all happening.

  8. thanks! for all the comments. I attended ArtFest a couple of years ago and then applied to teach. They rejected me to teach at ArtFest. (Which I could understand, they have so many great teachers and offerings in mixed media.) But then this year, they rejected me for their FiberFest too! So, as an old friend used to say, "I'm takin' my dishes and dollies and going home." :-)

  9. Well, Jane, then keep up the online classes! Looks like you got a good response for the art quilt class, and I'd love to take the watercolor journal class you teach!


Thanks so much for visiting!