Friday, October 26, 2007

Witch Creek Fire

While we were staying at Virginia's house, I had to have something to do with my hands. She let me use her fabric stash and I came up with this. You can guess what all those tiny red stitches and french knots represent. Husb and I spent 4 days sitting and watching the news about the fire. All our local tv stations showed only news, and with no commercial breaks.
Speaking of TV. When husb and I evacuated on Monday morning, and started driving and wondering where we were going. We thought of our friend Virginia because she lives in an area (North Park) that we didn't think would be threatened by the fires, and she had kitties. Husb suggested we go by her place of employment, since it was on the way, and get her house keys. Virgina (and dear friend Andy) work at Channel 8 TV. Well, while we were there, I was interviewed on the air at 6am. So there I was, only recently out of bed, hair stickin' up all over, and yesterday's eye makeup, chatting with the news anchors while our kitties waited in the car. Friends who know me were not surprised I ended up in front of the camera!
If you would like to make any donations to help the San Diego fire victims, I recommend the San Diego Foundation. They've started an After the Fires Fund 2007.


  1. You know, Jane, while I've been watching the local coverage, for some reason, I half expect to see you being interviewed. And well, there you were! I didn't get to see you, but I'm not surprised that you were on TV.

    It is so good to hear that you, your husb, kitties, two right shoes and home are safe. And perhaps more importantly, I'll bet that you're a bright source of strength and hope for your neighbors who did not fare so well. Know that our thoughts and prayers go out to you. HUGS, - Wendee

  2. The resilience of an artist. And I'm sure you look very artistic with your hair sticking up.

  3. How incredibly stressful this week must have been for you! Thanks for the link to the San Diego Foundation.

  4. Your photos are mesmorizing. Wishing you well...

  5. I love the red stitching -- I can make french knots forever. So nice that your friend let you dive into her stash! Good to know that you're doing okay. Your yoga keeps you centered for those TV moments....


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