Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Dad: May 11, 1918- December 3, 2007

My father, Eugene LaFazio, passed away this week, at nearly 90 years old. He and my mom were divorced when I was just a baby, so we were never close. Growing up, I did visit him every month until I was 17. He and his wife lived in San Francisco and they took me to museums, art show, plays and musicals. They gave me 'culture' that my working single mom didn't have time or money for. In my dad's kitchen there was a card table set up to 'make stuff.' There were drawers of sequins, and pipecleaners, and crepe paper and tape and glue and all kinds of stuff! It was there I learned to be creative and much much later, to recognize that I was an artist. Thanks Dad.


  1. So sorry for your loss. It's always such a difficult thing to deal wth te loss of a parent . Prayers and best wishes to you and your family

  2. Sorry to hear of your father passing. It sounds like you have good memories of him and that he will always be with you. Take care.

  3. I'm very sorry for your loss, Jane. It's never easy to lose a parent, but especially one you have such fond memories of.
    My prayers to you and your family.

  4. How wonderful is the Internet - I feel as if I know you a little from our recent class although we have never met. Fathers are special regardless of the strength of the relationship, and it seems as if you got a lot from him even if you were not close. My thoughts are with you. Sue

  5. Jane, I'm sorry for your loss. I probably visited the same museums, maybe around the same time. I lived in S.F. for 3 years before my mom died... she was the one who nurtured my creativity and I always think of her with gratitude whenever I am working on a project. She died when I was 10, but she is still with me.

  6. I am so so sorry for your loss, Jane .. he sounds like a fabulous person and how fortunate for you to remember him with such fondness ... My deepest condolances...

  7. Jane,
    So sorry to read of your loss. It sounds like your Dad really encouraged and recognized your creative side. Your Dad and my Mom share the same birthday and year...she is still plugging along in a skilled care home, but the quality of her life isn't what any of us would desire.

    Warm hugs and deep condolances,

  8. I'm sorry to hear your father pass away. What a great memory of your first art lessons. My grandmother did the same for me.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad.

  10. What a lovely tribute which now translates into all your art and lives on - and I am sorry for your loss.

  11. Jane, what a great gift he nurtured in you - your art. He will never be far from you even though he has left our world. You are in my thought and prayers.

  12. My condolences on your loss, Jane. He gave you some precious gifts, and your work honors that every day.

  13. I love the card table with sequins, pipecleaners, & crepe paper.. what a special memory, he sure fed your talents & interests.

    hey, remember those crepe paper flowers .. fold the crepe paper, fan out the edges, and use a pipecleaner as a stem.. think I recall that.. and remember Gods Eyes -> with the two sticks/pencils crossed and colored yarn weaved from center outward. hmm.. oh the macrame plant holders, the crotchet, the embroidery, the needlepoint, thanks to you, I did it all as your younger sister. you know i'm sorry about your Dad. Love, Elizabeth

  14. thanks everyone, so very much for your thoughts. Husb and I attended my dad's funeral in San Francisco yesterday. I spoke and told everyone of the artistic nurturing my dad was able to give me, and also of the trememdous role model of a good marriage he and his wife showed me, and how Husb and I have emulated it. xoxo

  15. What a lovely tribute to your dad. I'm sure you made him proud.

  16. Jane, I'm so sorry about your dad...he sounds like an incredible, wonderful man.

  17. Jane,

    So sorry to hear of your loss. what gifts he gave to you. You are in my thoguhts. xo Beth

  18. Dear Jane,
    I'm so very sorry to read the news of your father's death. What a wonderful face he had. I know he must have delighted in his amazingly talented daughter! I lost my own sweet father year before last, so I understand what you are going through. There's a very real way in which he'll be with you always, though.


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