Saturday, February 02, 2008

Charles Rennie Mackintosh

I'm working on a watercolor lesson on Charles Rennie Mackintosh for 3-6th graders. (He was a Scottish architect, in the late 1800s, but he also did gorgeous watercolor flower paintings.) Here's step one, a watercolor from a real flower in Mackintosh's contour drawing style.


  1. i'm crazy for Rennie MacIntosh and the whole Glasgow Girls movement as well... are you working from a book or just samples of his work?

  2. I have looked at his flower watercolors and his textile designs, and read that he combined the organic shape and geometrics, so I made this lesson up. Taught it yesterday, and the 6th graders loved it!

  3. i don't blame them... what a creative teacher you are! the kids must really enjoy your classes. art was one of my favorite classes in grammer school. i still glow with pride at winning a prize in second grade for my portrayal of the Virgin Mary with a donkey!


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