Monday, September 29, 2008

Pasadena birthday Weekend

Mulberry Tree by Vincent Van Gogh.
Husb and I spent a wonderful weekend in Pasadena. We visited the Pacific Asia Museum, the Pasadena California Museum of Art, and spent a glorious 5 hours in the fabulous Norton Simon Museum which is a most spectacular place. Van Gogh, Monet, Degas and soooo many more. What a gift! We also had dinner at Il Fornaio in Old Town Pasadena, to celebrate my birthday, but husb didn't tell the waitperson...but I knew it was my birthday and we had a lovely time!

So, last year I hoped for 57 birthday comments on my blog, and I got nearly 40...This year I'm 58. Please do means a lot to me...I'd love to reach my goal of 58 comments...


  1. So.. Happy Birthday! You are on my list of daily reads. I especially enjoy your sketch book entries. You've gotten me thinking about being more disciplined about sketching.

  2. I think last year's birthday was my first comment and perhaps this year's is my second or maybe third. Here's hoping for many more comments to follow mine and many more years to follow this for you. Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday!

  4. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!

    Lucky you - you're coming to NY in prime leaf-peeping season. Enjoy!

  5. Hi, Miss Janie! Happy Birthday, one day late! Nice you could visit Pasadena... I used to live right down the road in South Pasadena, before escaping to AZ! I did love that area, before it got too over-populated. I hope you and your hubby have a wonderful trip to NY, and expect to see lots of leaf sketches soon!


  6. Happy Birthday! We're the same age but I'm a month older. I've decided to stay in a holding pattern for a few years again. My husband still thinks I'm 32!
    I check your blog daily for inspiration. Love your style and images. Have a great time in NY.

  7. Happy Birthday Jane....I hope it is wonderful and you do get the 58...;)
    Your art inspires me and especially your work with kids...I worked for years with an art in prisons program and many prisoners completely lost their ''violent attitude'' after becoming involved in the program...therefore I believe if we were to get enough children involved in art their creativity would overcome many obstacles and I am sure you may see some of that happening...what a blessing!!!
    After all, how many times do we see artists being arrested for violent crimes...:)
    You are so gifted and talented...I love this blog!!!
    Sincere wishes for the happiest 58th!!
    Louise001 (on flickr)

  8. Happy Belated Birthday, Jane. I'm glad that you celebrated in Pasadena. I lived there for several years and enjoyed the city. Have a wonderful time in New York.

  9. Happy birthday, Jane! 5 glorious (I would have used the same word, too!) at Norton Simon? Sounds like such a wonderful weekend. Best wishes for you, always! xox

  10. The Mulberry Tree is beautiful, isn't it?
    What a wonderful way to spend a birthday! Happy Birthday!

  11. Jane,
    Happy Birthday to you! (And, many, many more!)

    Lisa Y.

  12. Happy Belated Birthday!
    from a future student,
    Ashlie L.

  13. Happy Birthday to one of the most creative people I've become acquainted with! I'm looking forward to the next class through Joggles!---Carol C.

  14. Jane,
    It is so wonderful that you spend a lot of time traveling and doing the things you love to do. Happy Late Birthday and many more. Looking forward to seeing you at AU next year. Kay

  15. Jane Happy Birthday. I visit your blog each day to view your sketches and am inspired immensely. Van Gogh and Monet are 2 of my favourite artists also. Enjoy your holiday!
    Sharron in Aust.

  16. Jane - Happy Birthday - I can't believe it has been a year! I love your blog and thank you for starting me on watercolor journaling...I'm having the time of my life...and you were my first teacher! Congratulations on another great year.
    Sally P


    PAM, a Sock Lady fan -- just got a new pair of socks from the Sock Lady -- they're called October Morning which I hope you're having a lot of in NY!

  18. Happy, happy birthday, Jane ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! Love the image of Van Gogh's MULBERRY TREE - we have a mulberry tree in our yard, here in Encinitas, should you ever want to come sketch / paint one for yourself ;-) !!! Hugs and best wishes -- always -- Davi

  19. Jane -
    rocking it out at 58! You are amazing and your art is fantastic. Enjoy your trip and congratulations! See you on the mat.

    Your yoga buddy,


  20. Jane - Happy late birthday. I can't believe you are 58 - you look fabulous and have the energy and spirit of an 18-year old. Keep up the good work.

  21. Happy birthday, Jane. I hope to meet you someday as I am dying to take one of your workshops! Maybe for my 56th birthday in November!

  22. Happy Birthday! At first glance I thought the Van Gogh was your preasent! Its a beautiful painting, Mulberry trees here just starting to turn yellow. Sounds like you had a great day!
    Continued success!

  23. Happy Birthday! I wish I had known about you when I lived in southern California ... I would have taken one of your classes! Have fun in New York~

  24. Happy Birthday, Jane. Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend celebrating your #58. I'm looking forward to being in your Joggles class which starts in a few weeks. I'm taking my daughter, granddaughter, and great granddaughter on a cruise to the Sea of Cortez so I'll be a few days late checking into the class. See you then!

  25. Happy Birthday!
    Your Pasadena trip sounds like a great weekend for me to copy.
    Thanks again for telling me about the Escondido Arts Partnership show. I am still so jazzed that I got in.
    Looking forward to the next art quilt class.
    Nancy Lemke
    PS--I'll be 59 on the 6th.

  26. OH, Happy, happy birthday Jane!!!

  27. Happy Birthday Jane! I think you are almost my b'day twin! Same year, same month! I am an artist too!

  28. Happy Birthday, Jane! Your blog emanates a much younger person, (says she who's almost 71!!!). Keep on blogging and posting that artwork. I visit frequently but don't always comment.

  29. I am an art teacher/artist in Olathe, Kansas. I too, watercolor and work in fiber art. Love your work, maybe our paths will cross sometime!
    mary pat Kinney

  30. hi jane, looks like we're almost birthday buddies. 10 days and 2 years off. i'm looking forward to taking your next class...... have fun in new york!

  31. Haven't commented before, but asked! I have really been enjoying your blog, particularly the line & wash drawings that illustrate your daily life. Your work is joyful and brave, but at the same time, keenly observed. Inspirational! So there, happy birthday!

  32. Happy Birthday Jane!! Have fun in New York. I'm looking forward to your online class in a few weeks time.

  33. you're getting close!
    have fun in new york.
    just got back from chicago; loads of fun, but not enough fall color.
    see wicked if you haven't already - it's wickedly good!

  34. Happy Birthday Jane! I do love your work, you are so inspiring to me.

  35. Happy Birthday! Not quite 58 comments yet, but a good excuse for me to ask a question I've been wanting to ask.... I love your watercolor journal sketches. Do you ever sell those, or do you create ones outside of the journal to sell? I never see them on your website, but I'd really be interested in buying some...!

  36. Well I've certainly been self absorded for a bit and missed your birthday. I hope it was the best!


Thanks so much for visiting!