Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm teaching a workshop in Italy in 2010!

Here is the two page description of my week long workshop Bella Italia: Orvieto Sketchbook in Orvieto, Italy in 2010. Kristi & Bill, the wonderful owners of Adventures in Italy tell me one person has signed up already! (welcome Ursala!)
If you click on these images, they'll enlarge so you can read it.


  1. I can not tell you, how much I am looking forward to that trip and taking your class. And it is still over a year and a half to wait!


  2. Holy cow, this is the coolest thing ever! I hope the class fills with a waiting list and you all have a blast.


  3. Wow Jane thats amazing! I just might sign up. Italy is far easier for me to get to than San Diego. Have to start saving...

    Lots of love to you my friend!

  4. Hi Jane, I thought of You as I sketched these berries, Now you have to wait a bit for a box, they are just beginning to show up ;-) Hope you and Don are safely away from those horrid fires!! (sorry to post here as I cannot locate your email addy )

  5. SO cool! Kristi is such a sweetheart (I took a class from her at Artfiberfest last year) -- I'm sure this is going to be pure magic!

  6. fantastic, Jane! Now that I *think* I am about to be able to breath, this sort of thing will be my focus.


Thanks so much for visiting!