Saturday, October 25, 2008


I have a zillion things I should be doing, like preparing for my online mixed media class I'm teaching at starting THIS thursday and the monthly art quilt class I teach starts up again tomorrow and...and...but I just had to sit and draw this pomegranate.


  1. But of course...what ever could be more important! LOL :) Wonderful flow!

  2. And who could blame you? I LOVE pomegranates, both as food and as drawing subjects, and your work and ciuccio's (on Flickr) has inspired me to sketch one for the first time in ages. Occasionally I'll buy a magazine about a craft I know little about, for pure visual inspiration. I had never seen "Quilting Arts" before, but a couple of days ago I picked out at my local newsagent's and when I got it home, the magazine magically fell open at your pomegranate page ... :)


Thanks so much for visiting!