Thursday, December 11, 2008

4 days in San Francisco

I'm home! Husb and I spent four days in San Francisco visiting family and friends. Note the It's It in my moleskine. It's two oatmeal cookies with vanilla ice cream in-between and coated in dark chocolate. I had to draw it very quickly because it was melting and it was soooooooo good. We bought a case, and brought them home packed in dry ice.


  1. What??? You don't have It's Its in San Diego? I didn't know they were regional. Nor Cal has good ice cream sandwiches, So Cal has good fish tacos. I think I'd take the tacos!!

  2. I met my heart in SF: 38 years ago and we're still beating strongly! Don't get back often enough, sigh!


  3. LOVE this page! You and I are buddies in the journal.


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