Monday, January 05, 2009

A quilt for Larkin's baby

My first ever functional quilt! A baby quilt for a friend's daughter. I've only made art quilts for the past 5 years or so, and this was a new experience. I broke my sewing machine in the process, but it's fixed now. The back of the quilt is flannel, the same as the green border. Of course, I made up the design myself. Oh, and Larkin is a vegetarian, hence the carrot print.


  1. What a joyful gift.
    I am sure it will be treasured.

  2. Awesome quilt, Jane! I don't know if I could ever finish a functional quilt -- you should be very proud.

  3. Jane it's lovely....and lucky Larkin to receive your first 'functional' quilt!

  4. Bright and cheery, just the way I like 'em! Nice goin....


  5. And, for you, a blog award: .

  6. I love this quilt! Your friend's daughter will be so happy to get it! By the way, I think orange and green are my favorite color combination!!!

  7. Jane
    This is a lovely little quilt. The baby will cherish it in years to come. I love the fabric choices and love the carrots. I hope Larkin likes carrots. Babies either do or they really don't. It's a beautiful quilt.

  8. i LOVE it. It speaks to me somehow.

  9. thanks everyone! Larkin is the mom, and as I mentioned she's a vegetarian, so I know she likes carrots. I found out that she's expecting a girl, due mid May. Hopefully I can post pics of the quilt in use.
    thanks again for your kind words!


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