Saturday, March 14, 2009

wild peony

Husb and I went on a docent led tour at Blue Sky Reserve today, and learned these wildflowers. My hope is to go back and draw them now... Here are the flowers husb photographed while I made notes.


  1. We have Phacelia here too and it is one of my favorite Spring bloomers. How nice that the two of you could do this together....but then that is not unusual for you guys! LOL


  2. Wow, that will save me a drive all the way to Borrego Springs. Can't wait to see it for ourselves. Who'd of thought the words hooker and prim could be in the same sentence? Thx for the botanical 4-1-1.


  3. Wow, great to see all the pics from Blue Sky, I've ridden horses all ove Ramona and never noticed the varity of wild flowers! Now I'm on foot and should take a closer look. Thanks for the comment on new bigger glass, I'm being encouraged often towards wire. Like you I work an many mediums so it was fun to "mix it up"
    Continued success!


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