Friday, May 29, 2009

workshop in August

Intro to Wet Felting Workshop
Aug 25 (1/2 day) Tuesday 9 AM – 12 noon taught by me, Jane LaFazio
Park Blvd Studio, San Diego $50/60
Materials fee: $30 includes everything.
Using colorful wool fibers, a modernized ancient technique, some creative designing and a lot of elbow grease, you will create a beautiful and feels-so-soft felt square in few hours. It may not be large enough to build a yurt; but it will make a lovely wall hanging or become part of another fiber piece. During the felting process there will be lots of time to visit and laugh with other participants and you won’t need to go to the gym to work out that day! All materials are provided for you including a selection of wool rovings and the equipment needed to create your own original 18x18” piece of hand-made felt. Wear clothes and shoes that may get wet.
Register: (858) 454-5872 or mail or in-person at Athenaeum Music and Arts Library, 1008 Wall Street, La Jolla, CA 92037

1 comment:

  1. You should post this on the felting forum. I know we have members in your area that might be interested. Check out


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