Saturday, May 23, 2009

oaxaca inspiration with color

I'm participating in my friend, Melanie Testa's "Inspired to Quilt, video prompt challenges." These journal pages are the first step in creating some stamps.
Husb and I and a group of good friends traveled to Oaxaca, Mexico in 2004. It was a fabulous, fascinating trip! One of our best. I kept a journal with writings, sketches and photos, and for this assignment, I went back through the journal and selected patterns that intriqued me.


  1. This looks like great fun and a wonderful way to get ready for my retirement on June 30th! Thanks for sharing the link - I can't wait to return to my dyes, resists, silks.

  2. It's fun to see your journal pages! I need to get back into the habit of keeping mine. Just looked at some old ones yesterday and realized it's been a month!

  3. love this page! wish I could participate in Melly's prompts too, but life is too challenging at the moment....


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