Wednesday, May 20, 2009


the text on the back of each card reads:

Jane LaFazio and

Bella Italia: Orvieto Sketchbook May 23 – 29, 2010
Travel to Ovieto, Italy as a “journey of discovery.” You will experience Italy authentically and thoroughly. Learn about Italian food, wine and culture and enjoy learning to sketch and watercolor the things you see. You’ll will savor, experience, and delight in all Italy’s richness.

May 23 Arrive Orvieto, welcome dinner; May 24 Orientation, guide to your week, living in the moment.Learn to sketch what you see. Spend the morning drawing and painting some of the details of our B&B, its plants and architectural details. Colors of Orvieto walking tour, Italian culture, wine tasting; May 25 Sketching and painting in the town of Orvieto. Cooking class, learning the art of making pasta, dinner & wine; May 26 Sketching and painting on location at the Etruscan Necropolis and the Cathedral San Brizio Chapel. Shop for local treats and picnic, afternoon free, evening Etruscan cave tour; May 27 Market Day. Visit the food & flower market, sketching and painting the sights, and shopping for picnic. Sketch and paint our picnic goods. Picnic! Create portfolio to hold your Orvieto pages and mementos. Vineyard tour and wine tasting off the rock; May 28 Complete and embellish portfolio and sketchbook pages, show and share; May 29 depart. or email
$2475 Six nights double occupancy (airfare not included)


  1. LOVE the postcards, Jane. did you produce them yourself? or where did you have them printed up? Such fun! :-) -- Davi

  2. Davi, They had a great special. And these postcards are the 'digital prints' so very inexpensive, but great quality!


Thanks so much for visiting!