Tuesday, June 30, 2009

artist prayer flags

I did a glue resist/setacolor demo for my art quilt class on Sunday, and then just had to sew them up into artist prayer flags. You can see closeups here on my flickr.


  1. Jane is that a time-consuming process? or could that be in a future mixed media workshop with you? LOVE THEM. love them. :-)
    -- Davi

  2. Really eye-catching, Jane! I've been thinking about taking out my setacolor paints, and the idea of glue resist makes me more motivated to go for it!

  3. Hi Jane...I am new to your blog. I found you in An Illustrated Life which is an amazing book! But then, of course, you know. Because I am obviously WAY out of the loop here I don't want to ask a million questions right off the bat. Just are these done on fabric (as in a REAL fabric quilt)? I will spend some time now going through your posts and seeing what I can find out. Maybe sometime you could check out my blog at ginnystiles.blogspot.com? I am right now preparing to teach a sketching/journal 1 day workshop and looking for some new exciting ideas. Am using Lynne Perrella;s book, Artists Journals & Sketchbooks as a jumping off point. But in one day...I can only do so much.
    I have book marked your blog. Very very beautiful work.

  4. Jane, yes I think we are definitely kindred spirits. I had terrible insomnia last night and spent yet another hour on your different sites. I think coming to Dan Diego for one or more of your workshops is a must. I spent a long time looking at the one next year in Italy. But because of some medical issues I am having I would not be up to the physical demands. But have dreamed about a trip like this. I have several projects for my business in California and if I am up to traveling I must combine business and pleasure by coordinating with some of your events. I love these flags!


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