Saturday, June 06, 2009

Fran Skiles and me

I spent last week in a Fran Skiles workshop at the Alegre Retreat held at Gateway Canyon Resort. I had a really great time. Learned a lot in the workshop, met lots a really nice people and the resort was fabulous.


  1. tell us more about the workshop - please!!

  2. Cant wait to see & hear more about your workshop. Glad it was really great!

    Debbie L

  3. I'll post some parts of parts of collage I did in the workshop--they are still works in progress.

  4. way cool. hey, how come I've never had someone snap a shot of US together, Jane? remind me to do that next time we're together, 'kay? LOVE the images you posted - esp the horse - and that scenery. how did you get any "work" done in the workshop?! glad it was terrific. it must be fun to be the STUDENT after being the TEACHER so much lately. good for the soul? hugs - D.


Thanks so much for visiting!