Wednesday, July 08, 2009

My student

So, I have a new thing. Private lessons of "Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style." The one-on-one, 3-hour session takes place in Bernardo Winery (in North San Diego) and cost $75. Here's Elizabeth, my student from yesterday, sketching and painting at the Winery. Contact me to set up a date!


  1. I wish I was a local Jane, I'd be signing up like a shot. I'll just have to work on getting you to this side of the 'pond' :)

  2. I'm glad you're doing this. It's a great idea. Can you charge a little more and move the venue around the county? People pay thirty dollars for a three hour non-private class. You da woman!

  3. How about an online class..where we meet and discuss our journaling/watercoloring online? I know there are so many techniques, both in watercolor and in journaling that would be best shown live..but maybe a utube type of thing could be put out there. I would join you for sure!


Thanks so much for visiting!