Thursday, July 30, 2009

Long Beach Quilt Festival

Okay, just a few more photos from the Long Beach Quilt Festival. My quilt "Zen Eucalyptus" in the "Edges" exhibition. I'm so proud to have a piece in a big festival like this one, and now the whole "Edges" exhibition is traveling to the Houston Quilt Festival. Yippee!
AND, while I was doing open studios in Long Beach, the Quilts, Inc Vice President and Director of Education came by to see what I was working on. She asked me to submit a proposal to teach at next year's Long Beach Quilt Festival!! VERY flattering indeed!! You know I'll keep you posted as to whether they accept my proposal or not.

Judy Coates Perez has put some video of Make it University's Saturday night 60's 'project runway' craziness. Check it out here.


  1. Congratulations! Jane. That is great to see your Zen quilt travel. I hope you teach next year. It would be a great addition. Art Quilts rule!!!!

  2. Congratulations! I'm not the least bit surprised! You're on a roll.

  3. Long Beach Quilt Festival
    Getting a Payday advance is just a few steps away


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