Tuesday, August 11, 2009

art unraveled shopping extravaganza

Art Unraveled hosts a shopping extravaganza on Saturday, during the retreat. I was blessed to have very good sales--THANK YOU art lovers! Here's my booth, with my first non-customer--oh my, that looks like Melly Testa!

My proposal for next year's Art Unraveled is due in a couple of weeks, please let me know if you've got ideas for what I should propose to teach.


  1. How about teaching those sketched quilt blocks with the embroidery? They are very eye-catching.

  2. Glad it was a success!

  3. squetcher (gayle)11/13/2010 8:30 PM

    Sketched quilt with embroidery? That sounds very interesting. Can I view it somewhere?


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