Wednesday, August 12, 2009

hot bubbles

I wet felted this piece this morning. It's still wet. I'm preparing for a wet felting 1/2 day workshop I'm teaching 8/25 in San Diego. This piece is about 16 inches square. (there's still room in the workshop.)


  1. I would love to do this but I'm afraid my arthritic hands would hide in the closet. I understand it's a lot of squeezing and rubbing. Oh yes, and now they're telling me I work that day. Really, I do!

  2. So here's the deal. I love this too so next summer would you please schedule the wet felting and mixed media class consecutively like you did this year so I can take it all! Fabulousa Jane - I love it!

  3. It's really beautiful! I have to try playing with circles like that.

  4. Completely yummy - and I think Jo is on to something!

  5. Long time no see! So it took me some time to read through all your posts.....and this one is so beautiful. I love the color! I`ve had a bit of an creative drought for a while but looking at your felting made me want to drag out all my wool and just get started!


    Take care

  6. Cute name, hot bubbles. The texture on the looks awesome, must be the felt.

  7. What an amazing felted piece! Great colors and varieties of dots.

  8. So, I have to say that I took this class at Liberty Station this Spring and fell in love with the concept. Jane, you have a way of making it accessible to everyone in the room. You anticipate the questions and learning from you comes so easy. You are the BEST!


Thanks so much for visiting!