Friday, September 04, 2009

winery leaf

Here's my leaf from the lesson I gave at the winery on Wednesday. It was kind of blah, since I was talking and drawing at the same time (always a challenge) so I jazzed it up with background and border.


  1. Lovely! Glad to hear I'm not the only one that is challenged by having to talk and draw at the same time. :)

  2. Know exactly what you mean. That's why I bring old journals to my workshops - see I really can draw and paint :)

  3. Oh please Jane, your work is Never Blah ;-) and the verbage running down the vein is brilliant!

  4. I love the leaf.You certainly are not blah!!I read the Prayer flag blog you recommended and made one today to send to my sis in Washington State.I have another new project for self expression.Thanks for the heads up:)May


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