Sunday, October 11, 2009

Peace, Love and get off the sidewalk.

Our San Diego Sketchcrawl group met today at the Self Realization Fellowship Meditation Gardens in Encinitas. The manager was not thrilled we were there, and also the rules don't allow eating on the premises. So, at lunch time, when we get together to share our journals, the 6 of us sat out near the sidewalk in a dirt area (without blocking any pedestrians.) The mgr sent the security guard out to tell us to leave! I said, "but isn't this city property?" "Yes," said the nice guard, "but she told me to tell you to leave." So much for fellowship!
Aside from that bad karma, it was a gorgeous day, and I sat and drew the most cooperative koi and the waterlillies, that is, before the incident.


  1. Yes, Beautiful sketch!! And yes so much for fellowship!

  2. Great sketch . I was funny to get kick out of outside public area also.
    I guess the "Self" in the self realization fellowship is in control as oppose to Holy !

  3. What a crazy story, and from such a supposed spiritual, accepting, loving place! Oh well, it certainly takes all kinds! Gorgeous sketch Jane!

  4. It amazes me how often managerial types are annoyed when the public actually *uses* a public space. You could have been mischievous and started meditating on the spot!


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