Wednesday, December 30, 2009

laundry room door

This is the door to our laundry room. Yes, that's a cat-shaped hole in the door, so our kitties can access their litter box. (Sorry I couldn't get the cats to show the door in action. I'll keep the camera at the ready.)

I drew the silhouette on the door, a friend cut out the shape with a jig-saw, sprayed insulation foam into the hollow door and let that dry. Then I covered the cut edge in papier mache, primed and painted it. (I have the same sort of hole our bedroom door.) I like to think of our house as an artist's house---not a cluttered, eclectric, collector's home--ya know?

I updated my website with the classes and workshops I'm teaching next year...(Sorry, no papier mache door coverings included.)


  1. So funny. What a great idea!

  2. So how fun is that!! I love it.

  3. This is the coolest thing I've ever seen!

  4. Oh, I just love it! Makes me think about those holes that cartoon characters make when they run through walls or drop through the floor. So much fun.

  5. love it Jane.......very whistful!

    Happy New Year to you!


  6. That is just too cool for words!

  7. Hi. I copied this from you - I hope you don't mind. I first saw your blog through a link on Barbara Finwall's blog. I put mine on a cupboard door in the laundry room in a house we're remodeling. Cats (2 somali males) haven't tried it yet as we haven't moved in, but they've started sniffing around. Everyone whose seen it loves it and I credit the design to you.

    Thanks for your wonderful creativity - I'm in awe of your multiple talents and your output. How do you do it all?


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