Friday, January 01, 2010


I made this wet-felted piece yesterday. It's about 17x17" As you can tell, I'm still hung up on circles....Just gotta work through it, I guess. Anyway, I'll probably cut this piece up, as I'm not thrilled with the design. The chartreuse green (at the top) would have been better as an accent on the two shades of purple, so I'll do that next time.
I'm prepping for the wet-felting workshop I'm teaching on Saturday in Escondido. (Email me, there's still a few spaces)

And Happy 2010!! I'm not sure if I'll make resolutions/affirmations yet...well, other than the 'lose 5 lbs' usual mantra. How about you? Goals/plans/creative challenges for the new year?


  1. It's beautiful!

    Resolution - finish project - usual mantra -lol.

    Happy New Year!

  2. keep the dots going, i will be too busy with squares.....

  3. I tried to email you about your workshop, but the emails kept bouncing back. I have family in Riverside and was entertaining thoughts of spending a day or two with them and driving to Escondido for your class. How far is one from the other? I think it's probably too late to make plans now. Love your wet felted pieces and would love to take an in person class with you!

    Happy New Year Dear Jane (and the husb too!)


  4. I tend to shy away from New Year's resolutions/goals, but this year I am resolving to make more regular time for my art, and to get my work out there more. I already have a group show deadline at the end of this month -- it's a great way to start the year.


Thanks so much for visiting!