Wednesday, January 13, 2010

preparing for Orvieto

My book on learning Italian arrived. And, at the same time, this email from Kristi Steiner arrived, telling about the shopping available in Orvieto, during my "Bella Italia: Orvieto Sketchbook" trip May 23-29:

"Oh my! Of course....the shopping! It is fabulous. It's a perfect case of "so much shopping, so little time!" Orvieto has always been known for its high level of craftsmanship, all the way back to Etruscan times. This legacy continues with small ceramic studios dotting the main street, Corso Cavour, as it winds through town. There's even an entire "alley" devoted to crafts with a fine leather shop, amazing woodworking, beautiful linens, and a textile gallery with irresistible woven treasures. I hope we'll have time to prowl around two yummy shops offering classic handmade Italian journals, calligraphy pens, sealing wax, and papers. And I'll show you my favorite office supply store where I stock up terrific Coccoina glue sticks and pens. I'll take you by an import shop that has lots of scarves...the perfect gift to take back to friends or to wear like the Italians do. But don't forget shopping for chocolate, olive oil, and local dried porcini mushrooms. Oh my! If we are lucky, there might be an impromptu crafts fair set up in several of the streets, and every so often we luck into an antique market. Never fear though, Market Day is filled with all kinds of offerings and we'll definitely all shop for picnic supplies to share around our huge table in the courtyard. This is what we love about our trips to Orvieto, the delicious combination of art combined with the surprises of Orvieto. enjoy! Kristi "

Only two spots left!

1 comment:

  1. barbara finwall1/14/2010 9:52 AM

    This sounds so tempting!
    We're trying to save our money.


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