Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Small Art Quilt DVD

 Did you know I have an instructional DVD called The Small Art Quilt? It show three different quilts and how I created them, a torn collage, a painted pet portrait and cut felt design. There's also a gallery section of my quilts. It's quite entertaining...Why am I bringing this up? Because I'm giving one away! This will be my first ever blog give-away, so let's see what happens and maybe I'll give away more stuff. Here's what you need to do. Leave a comment, telling me about your art and what you love to do most. (paint, stitch, collage, computer design or...?) I'll figure out how to use the random generator and pick one person to receive the DVD. I'll blog the winner on Monday Feb 22.
On another note, I'm teaching an online class of paper and cloth collage techniques called "Kimono Collage." It starts March 1.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE your work and so glad to see that you have a video AND online class as your workshops are no where near where I live. Thanks for the great blog! Twyla Marti

  2. Looks like a wonderful tutorial. I love sketching and art journaling. Mostly I use ink and watercolors, with a little collage thrown in. oh...and felt...I like to work with felt I've gleaned from the thrift shop clothes.

  3. Jane, I'd love to win a copy of your DVD. It looks very inspiring and I'm definitely looking for tools to help me learn fibre-arts. And I love cats too. Is that an Omen?

    I've shared insights on your giveaway on my site where I share insights on contests & giveaways: http://sewcalgalcontestinfo.blogspot.com/ I hope to increase awareness of your blog and contest for you.


  4. I'm not commenting to enter the giveaway! I just want to tell those who don't own this video, YOU MUST! Great instructions, fun presentation, tons of inspiration, and time spent with Jane! If you don't win, order it anyway. (I did not recieve any reimbursement for this endorsement-LOL!) Have a great week and isn't Jane Bolton's book fantastic! Cheers.

  5. Oh I love your work. I am mostly involved with quilting & love to do art quilts and those little postcards. That is a fun size to experiment with.

  6. Dear Jane; how can a person learn slow cloth when their hands have attention deficit? I'm thinking of handcuffing myself so I can finish beautiful art quilts like yours. Your work is fantastic, ergo, your dvd is fantastic! Kelli

  7. Hi Jane..
    I always love a challange and try everything, really really really hope (I'm sure it will, x x x ) your first give a way will be great...
    All good luck x x x

  8. I have been a crafter since I was really young. I make Ceramics, Stained glass, warm glass, paint, make cards, sew for my grand daughters and make quilts for charities. I guess what started me crafting was as a child in elementary school, I would always have my dad buy me the Valentine book where you punched out and put together your cards...

  9. Love your work Jane, especially watching you with Pokey on her DVD's. I'm new to art quilting, but have been making ATCs and Postcards while learning new techniques.

  10. I love pen & ink drawaing. Would love to see the DVD, thanks for the giveway Sharon.

  11. At the moment, Jane, I'm having fun making the cloth and paper quilts you showed us in the january Art Quilt class! So far i've made three quilts and have nearly finished the stitching and embellishing on one of them.

    I have my picture ready for our next class, and now I'm thinking I may need to dig out the piece of silk that my mom gave me years ago and combine it with the pieces of kimono that I got from Spirit of the Cloth!

    You may just be too inspiring!

  12. Well that's awfully nice of you to do a giveaway - I'd like to join in! My art thang is beadwork on textiles, improvisational beading to be exact. At the moment I am exploring surfaces to bead on that I have never tried before such as resist dyed felt.

    Thanks again!

  13. Oh -- that looks like such fun! I'd love to win!

  14. Hmm. I think I'm going to need the DVD whether I win it or not!

    As far as what I like to do best - while I'm screen printing I'm happy - when I'm dreaming up new designs I'm happy - when I have paint I'm happy.

    Then again, I'm almost never unhappy when I'm in the studio.

  15. My thing is anything fiber related, art or traditional. I'd love to see your process in your DVD. Thanks for counting me in.

  16. Thank to Lyric I located your blog. I need this DVD. I've been challenged to make an art quilt. I'm a traditional quilter! So if I don't win it, I'll buy it!

  17. WOW!!! This is really some wonderful candy.. Thanks for a chance to win..
    saluti dall'italia public the post on http://blogcandymania.blogspot.com/
    Hugs, rosa
    I love sketching, decoupage and thousand other things

  18. Sweet lady Jane, choosing what I like best is really hard, because I love one while I am doing it until I start the next thing. First might be painting... or collage or maybe stitching, oh but then there is pottery, oh how I love that and cooking does that count?...

  19. Hi Jane,
    How fun for all of us who read your blog to enter for this DVD. I have always enjoyed your appearances on Quilting Arts TV, so maybe I will be lucky and win this!

    I love doing mixed media projects, particularly collage pieces. Having recently discovered Kelli Perkins new book, I'm looking forward to experimenting with making paper cloth in all those yummy colors. I started out with traditional quilting and one thing just seems to lead to another! Now if I only had more time to play with all of the materials and techniques. . . but isn't that always the story, never enough time!

  20. Hi Jane,

    This is sooo cool (and generous)! Oh random number generator, please choose me!

  21. Jane I am currently obssessed with mixed media collage and fabric arts!! I have taken alissa burke's graffiti art chic 1 and am square in the middle of full-blown obssession!!

  22. Hi Jane. Just started to learn to draw from Suzi Blu. Want to incorporate my love of paper and fabric into my art.

    Thank you for allowing all of us an opportunity to win instructions from you.

  23. Hi Jane

    Never would have picked painting as my favorite technique before taking your classes but it is by far my favorite. Justine

  24. I love painting and collage mixed together but have recently started combining fabric in the mix too. I have to keep it fresh and exciting!

  25. I'd love to win your DVD! I look forward to your CIRCLES class at Art Unraveled in August. Lorie Garver

  26. Hi Jane!
    Well, what I love the very most in life is to add dye to silk! That's it!!! I've taken several of your classes and enjoyed them, but I'm still having mixed feelings (and worst yet) mixed results in the collage area. ARGH!!! So, I'm still trying to find my way in this world, but I think it is leading me towards dyeing silk and then constructing garments...........not art quilts in my future???? Who knows!

    I hope I WIN, as I'm an ardent fan, as you well know!!!!


  27. Jane, I'd love my own copy of your new DVD ... MY FAVORITE art medium would have to be - getting messy! :-) seriously, I adore collage work; I very much enjoyed the kimono I worked on last year in your class, using the paste papers Al taught us how to make for the "mosaic" bits. I love to stitch; and I recently re-discovered my love for a good sewing machine! -- Davi

  28. Oh boy. Put my name in the hat, Jane. Yay. I'll post it up on my blog.

  29. How exciting about your new DVD! I keep nature journals mostly in watercolor and ink or pencil and also I weave tapestries and purses. Hope I win...your work is wonderful!

  30. Hi Jane, I have taken a couple of your online classes and find them quite inspiring. My first love is papier mache and for the last year or so I have been incorporating various layered collage techniques into (and onto)my pieces with great results. Wendy

  31. I am starting to do watercolor art journaling, love to do free form art quilts with collage, raw edge and embellishing. Would love to win the DVD. Thanks for your inspiring site. Love to have it pop up as there is always a surprise for me.

  32. Have always admired all what you do, your colorful palette!! Right now I'm into Mixed Media and watercolor painting, looking forward to your Collage Kimono class that I signed for.

  33. Wow. You pose a difficult question. I suppose I could say I love to do painting of backgrounds the most. I enjoy doing backgrounds on paper and canvas fabric. I also do many of the other things you mentioned but right now that is my fave.
    Thank you for doing the give away. Your class looks very interesting also.
    Angels be with you.

  34. I'd love to win your dvd. I'm very interested in art quilting and I love your work.

  35. It's such a privilege to say on your blog what I do in my little bubble!

    I doodle mainly and have been doing 'Thing a Day' this month and have experimented doing some stitching with felt.
    There is a community quilt project in York at the moment and people are being asked to contribute their own 15" x 15" square. This is all new to me so I'm really looking forward to it!
    I love your blog and it offers so much inspiration :-)

  36. Fabric, fiber collage with lots of mixed media added in !! I keep coming back to fabric and love adding layers and stitch and paint to the fibers and the cloth!! How very genereous of you to offer your DVD!! Pick me Pick Me!!!!!

  37. Your blog is so inspirational to me! I enjoy felting --wet felting and needle felting. I'm also deconstructing and upcycling used wool sweaters. The possibilities are endless. I think I want to see your DVD whether I win or not!

  38. I like to sketch, paint on paper and fabric, machine stitch, hand stitch, and more. I'd love to have your video; thanks for the chance.

  39. Oh, I LOVE your blog! I get your updates in my email - love that!

    I have taken many of your on-line classes and really enjoyed them.

    I have to say that I love doing different things depending on my mood! Painting, quilting, using mixed media, oh and bookmaking too!

    My best to you,

    Debbie L

  40. This is a fabulous DVD. I have it and love it. I have made art quilts from all 3 segments. The instructions are easy to follow and I promise if you win this it will help make you a better artist. In fact if you don't win you should just buy it.

  41. I just found your blog, love learning about art quilting.
    I love to paint and quilt and want to get into art quilts using different mediums and textiles.


  42. Whoah! What an awesome give away! I enjoy mixed media art, and have wanted to learn how to make an art quilt for quite some time. Sure would love winning this! Thanks for giving us the opportunity!


  43. I found you through Diana Trout's blog and would love to watch your DVD. I am mostly a non traditional quilter with a new passion for sketching, journaling and bookbinding. Thank you for adding me to the list.

  44. My "art" is whatever inspires me from reading all my "besties" blogs:) Right now I'm deconstructing screen printing inspired by Melly Testa via Kerr Grabowski.

    It's how I r0ll - OCD overwhelmed by ADD!

  45. I would love to win your DVD. I just found your site (came over from Diana Trout) and am a quilter who is exploring all kinds of media (my current fave is paper-cloth). Thanks for everything.

  46. I love your work and would love to win your DVD. Right now I'm experimenting with mixed media and mark making on fabric.

  47. Hi Jane! Thanks for commenting on the robots! I know you love working with kids, I could have used some of your classroom expertise- :) Thought I'd take advantage of your giveaway- I'd love one of your dvd's! My fave is the wire and fabric combo but mini art quilts are a close second!!!

  48. Jane,
    You don't know it, but you're my secret mentor for watercolor journaling. I love your style, and if I ever get half as good as you, I'll be happy! (The sketching part is hardest for me.) Besides that, I'm also an art quilter and I love surface design (and teach both locally), machine needlefelting, silk painting, bookmaking... www.fiberexplorations.blogspot.com

  49. Hi Jane,
    Thanks for the giveaway ! I like collage. I like the idea of sewing, but my execution needs work ! Love to mix fabric with paper. Thanks again for the generous giveaway - hope I get to be the lucky winner :-).

  50. Great giveaway.... i am a machine quilter... that's what I love to do best..... second fav... is landscapes...

  51. Hi Jane,
    Have only just made contact with you via Flickr.com/photos/suzyqu/.
    Like you I started a number of years ago with crazy quilting using mainly the rich vibrant fabrics and have very recently ventured into collage work using more silktops, mohair, threads etc. and would love any ideas to help me develop any potential I may have in this direction. So sweet of you to offer your DVD giveaway. Keep finding that creativity within!

  52. Cool, the video looks great! I'm into collage, stitching, embroidery and art quilts. ;-)

  53. I would love to win your dvd -- I so love your work!!

  54. Hi Jane - I'd LOVE a copy of your DVD. I live in a samll town in NC and haven't been able to find any fun classes in my area. I did not even realize you had a DVD until just a few weeks ago. I like to sew, art quilt, collage, draw, embroider, play with paint . . .

  55. oh boy, I would love to win the DVD! I love to sew, scrapbook and make jewellery.

  56. I've been evolving from traditional quilts to contemporary quilts & now want to plunge head first into Mixed Media, collage & quiltlets (I have the stuff but need to know how to use it) I've been hooked by 2 recent watercolor & sketching classes I took from the most fabulous teacher...hmmm who could that possibly be?

  57. Such a wonderful giveaway Jane - you are so generous! Just popped in here via Diana Trout whose work I love so much too. I do all sorts of crafts - papercraft, knitting, crochet, quilting, sewing and am just discovering art journaling. I'll be back to visit again even if I don't win. Thank you for sharing.


  58. I live for fabric. I love to create and would love a chance to win your fabulous DVD. I am so glad to have found your blog.

  59. Hi :) Thank you for hosting this awesome giveaway:)
    What I love to do most...? Can I pick all of the above?? ;-) I work with graphic design, but I do I do I do love fabrik, paper, yarn, felt, collage and everything in between. (I have a little art quilt in my most recent post :-)) You are most welcome to take a peek, if y'like :-)

    Thank you for the chance of winning this.
    Wonderful delicious blog. I'll be back for sure :-)


Thanks so much for visiting JaneLaFazio.com!