Wednesday, April 07, 2010

slow fiber

This stack of needle-felted hand stitched pieces became this which was juried into Beneath the Surface, which will be a special exhibition at the Long Beach Quilt Festival. You know, I'm nearly mumble-humph-years old, and now truly realizing the best way for me to work is in smaller pieces, and just work, with no plan, and then once I have 'enough' compile them to something larger and significant.


  1. These are gorgeous stacked together. Such depth of color and texture

  2. You have inspired me to have a go too - not up to the richness of your stitching (yet!)

  3. I reached (mumble-humph) a good few years ago! and what you said about working small and just getting on with it sums up my philosophy exactly! And as you constantly prove- small is equally beautiful. Sheila

  4. LOVE the look of the blog, LOOOVE the new piece and really appreciate the small to large manner of working too.

  5. Isn't it great that after mumbly umph years we finally get wiser and let go. I just want to reach into the computer screen and touch these pieces. The tactile quality is fantastic.

  6. This whole series and the QUilt Above the Bog are wonderful. Working in component pieces is so frreeing- each piece can stand alone or become a part of something bigger!! Just beautiful!!!! What sort of material do you needle felt on to????

  7. BRAVO!! This is GORGEOUS and it beckons me to look at it for a long, long time....


    I am frustrated because I cannot view any part of it *up close*. So I am wondering if I might ask, how would you feel about posting some detail know, little vignettes of stitchery & felt-ery??? For instance, I would luv to be able to see how the edges of the pieces are attached to each other. This would absolutely thrill me no end and I bet there are others who might feel the same :>]]

    No harm in ask'in I hope...

  8. Amen to that! I have been working much, much smaller for the past year (as I have been lurking on your blog) and it is sooooo much better for me! I am not even mumble hmph mumble old yet!:):)

  9. No longer a Mumble Humpher (when you reach 80 it gets loud and clear), I salute you ALL! Wonderful, Creative Women!

  10. I hear ya -- sometimes when we let go of all the "shoulds," we discover our own unique way. Freedom!


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