Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lyric Kinard!

I've met Lyric once, briefly on the set of Quilting Arts TV, but I feel like I know her through her blog and DVDs. Aside from talented, she's kind, witty, and level-headed. My kind of gal.

Lyric Kinard website.        Lyric's blog.

JL:What’s your story? How did you go from English Literature major to musician to artist?

LK:Growing up I had big plans to be the first female French Horn player in the Berlin Philharmonic - no small potatoes for me! When I starte really looking into what it took to be a musician I changed my mind. The work hours were tough - days plus almost every evening and weekend. The course load in college left NO time for any other interests or part time jobs. I couldn't picture myself giving up all my other interests and being that single minded and driven in order to succeed. I ended up in English Lit. because that was the best scholarship I was offered. I was still able to spend most of my time in the music department but I did it on my own terms. I also studied and readied myself to go into graduate Architecture. I was definitely not single minded.

The artist part came after I gave up pretty much everything and chose to stay home to raise my children. It took a few years but I finally found a medium that I could do in the little fits and spurts of time the mother of young children finds for herself.

JL:How do you describe yourself as an artist?
LK: I'm an artist that works with textiles as a medium. I honor the traditional quilt tradition that I come from yet feel free to leave it behind. Spontaneous and yet meticulous at the same time. Scattered in the here and now but focused on the big picture.

JL:What inspires your art-making?
LK: An intense need to create beauty and joy in a world where there is far too much ugliness. I suppose that puts me right out of any hope for success in the Avant Garde or high end gallery scene. Ah well. I also feel the need to create something ordered while my life is so chaotic. The chaos is all good - but it is chaos nonetheless.

JL: What’s your favorite part of creating?
LK:I love the design and planning process - the idea mulling and experimenting and what-iffing. The smaller improvisational pieces are experimental and laying in stitches full of color and texture by hand is a joy. Sometimes the actual production of a larger planned piece can turn to slogging drudgery and I have trouble sticking with it to completion. But ya gotta do what you gotta do to get the work done. Usually that means forcing a deadline
upon myself.

JL: What do you listen to when you work in your studio?
LK: Often - nothing at all. My home is full of chaos and noise and sometimes silence is blessed. Sometimes I need a connection with the outside world and will listen to NPR talk shows or science podcasts. When I need to push
through for a deadline and boost my energy my playlist includes Salsa, Celtic, Bluegrass/Newgrass, Classical, Swing, A-Capella - anything unplugged and upbeat.
JL: Do you keep a sketchbook? What kind?
LK: Yes! Always! Any kind. My favorite is a small 4x6 hardcover with a good black india ink artists pen.

JL: I know you have a lot of children, (5 at last count?) yet you accomplish a great deal as a professional artist.
LK: It only seems like I accomplish a great deal because you can see all the results at once. In reality - the work trickles on, I teach a few times a year, and I write now and then. All of it - in between everything I do with and for my family.
Lyric and her two youngest (of 5)

L: I’ve read you often work on the go. How do you fit it in? Any tips for staying creative with such demands on your time from family?
LK: Yup. Sketchbook - with you at all times. A home for your work - a place youcan leave it out so that you can come to it when you find yourself with a moment here and there. Having a "to go" project is always helpful so that you are using all of that time waiting in the carpool line or at rehearsals or soccer practice.
Lyric's art materials for on the go.

JL: Speaking of managing your creative time, you’ve written a book recently, Art + Quilt: Design Principles and Creativity Exercises. A very thorough, step by step on art principles. A veritable college course with so many wonderful examples. What was the process of writing the book like? Any urge to write another?

LK: I am so glad you like it! It's an obsessive passion of mine to convince people that they CAN learn both to appreciate and to create art. There are those that are gifted from birth with artistic talent - but by and large the vast majority of us just plain have to work at it. It took every spare minute and then some for almost a full year and a half - I have absolutely no urge to write another any time soon. I feel
like I've used up every idea in my head. But truly, it was a wondrous bit of serendipity and being prepared when opportunity totally surprised me with a rap on the door. I knew I wanted to write this book but expected it to happen much further down the road. I want to just make art for the fun of it for a while now.

JL: What are your artistic goals for this year and what are you currently working on? The next 5 years? (Do you create an actual list of goals, or are they just in your head?)

LK: Yes, I do write out simple but concrete goals. I usually write out fourand am happy if I make two per year. This year I only have three. 1 -build my blog into something worth reading. 2 - create a body of wor cohesive enough to look great in a solo show. 3 - be ready to film a
"Bead It Like You Mean It" DVD workshop. My five year goals are 1 - keep enough family time, 2 - teach for a week in Italy (I'm so excited that you get to go!) 3 - make two major (large) works. Simple. Doable I think. I can't remember more than three things at a time so I have to keep it short. I write them on post it notes and stick them in a few different places to remind me. So many other opportunities come up that might be good but don't take me towards my goals that I have to be careful. It's a great problem to have.

JL: Lyric, I think you’re a fabulous teacher! I’ve seen you on Quilting Arts TV and of course I have your DVD Surface Design Sampler Platter and you are so clear, soprepared, so thorough. I’m looking forward to taking one of your classes in person, especially since you’ve written you play music and have the student practice yoga during your classes. Tell us about your approach to teaching and what you enjoy about it.

LK: I only play music during longer five day classes - and then only for specific exercises. I can't help but break out singing corny broadway tunes every once in a while though. The yoga is the best - chair yoga. When we get intense about our hand work too often we are hunched up and tight and I simply can't keep going without doing some simple stretches.

I love being with students. I love to see them play freely and to experiment and learn and grow. There is nothing better for me than to see someone overcome feelings of fear or inadequacy and accept and acknowledge and begin to nurture the creativity they already possess. I work like a dog ahead of time (I like to bring almost all of the supplies for the students so they don't have to worry about hard to find things and bringing the "wrong" stuff) so that we can relax and enjoy ourselves during class.

JL: What are you upcoming classes and workshops?
LK: The rest of this year is actually pretty light for my teaching schedule As much as I love teaching I enjoy stretches at home in the studio and with the family. I'll be teaching mostly in the NC/VA region in August and September.

I'll give you a copy of Lyric's fabulous book Art + Quilt: Design Principles and Creativity Exercises, if you leave a comment telling me what your three goals are for this next year. (Even if you're just thinking of them right now :-) I'll chose the winner, randomly, on Sunday, May 16. Be sure and check back to see if you're the winner!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I want to make friends with a sketchbook/visual journal and eventually give myself the freedom to bond with it.

    I want to finish the two pieces on my wall - they are slow cloth, but not in a good way.

    I want to return to the stitch and embrace slow cloth - in a good way.

    Extra: order a copy of your DVD. It's been on my list; expect an order soon!

    BTW, I really enjoy your blog. Can't remember which round-about brought me here - maybe kelli or alyssa. But I'm glad it did. Blog bouncing has introduced me to some wonderful artists and women. Thanks!

  3. My first goal is to draw & paint at least three times each week (in addition to my other creative expressions)

    Next, to create 4 more “Dirty Laundry” themed artworks

    Also, to sing and play guitar in front of someone (besides myself or Paul)

    BTW, I love Lyric's book...just this afternoon, I had to return it to the library and put myself back on the waiting list (behind a few others). : )

  4. I love reading your artists' interviews. Very inspiring.
    My three goals for the next year...
    1 Establish a regular daily schedule for working in my studio.
    2 Bring all those fun creative experiments together into a large FINISHED piece
    3 Figure out how to use photoshop
    Thanks, Wendy

  5. I'd love a chance to win a copy of this book!
    Goal #1 - open my Etsy shop (I'm hoping to have it ready on Friday ~ new moon time!)
    Goal #2 - Finish another fabric journal like the one I just made and fill it with my collage prints.
    Goal #3 - show my work in a gallery in Santa Fe ~ my big dream!
    ...I could go on & on, but you only asked for 3

    Sharon at e14studio

  6. Oh this was an excellent interview! You had great questions Jane and it was really interesting to learn more about Lyric. I agree. Her video is excellent and I have been coveting her book.

    I also set goals for myself every year. Keeps me on track and I usually make better progress.

    So my three big goals for 2010 are:

    Continue working on my NorthEast Kingdom series and I have been!

    Explore more national teaching venues and design some really great classes.

    Work in a larger format than I have been: at least 20" x 20".

  7. I enjoyed the interview, Jane. I already own Lyric's book, so I'll spare you my goals! :)

  8. Thanks for a fun blog, it was my first time reading it. Read your interview on Lyric's blog and it was great too!
    My three goals this year are:

    Experiment, learn new techniques for fiber arts
    Improve and embrace free motion quilting (gaine confidence)
    Start using my collection of water color supplies!

  9. great interview! My goals..umm...
    1. improve my drawing skills
    2. finish my dotty dresden plate
    3. dye more fabrics.

  10. My 3 something creative every ifs ands or buts! establish an etsy store for some art and collage sheets and...get out and make some friends!( moved here 5 yrs ago and with caring for my handicapped hubby and watching a neighbors 2 yr old..I havent met too many people)

  11. It is nice to see the movement of the women in the first quilt. They bring joy.

    My three goals are:
    1. Avoid stress
    2. Enhance my technical patchwork-skills
    3. Have more fun with my husband and two children

  12. I enjoyed the interview
    My goals for 2010-2011 are:
    Get studio organized/recycle what is now outdated for me..
    practice drawing more
    Begin City and Guilds in September

  13. Love your interview with Lyric. I have her DVD so the book would be a great accompaniment.
    My goals for this year - firstly - to learn a new technique each couple of months; try and relax with my work; and thirdly to enjoy my crafts.

  14. Thanks for this great interview. I enjoyed reading it.
    My 3 goals for this year are:
    - practise drawing/painting/journaling at least 2 times a week
    - finish a specific quilt that has been an ufo far too long
    - learn a few new surface design techniques

  15. Wow, Jane, what a great interview and what a very interesting person Lyric is! It's nice to hear how other creatives try to maintain balance in their lives as well as the things they've accomplished. Thank you.

    My goals for this year are to:
    1. Make a painting a day.
    2. Take both an improv and voice over class.
    3. Find out from Jane how to start something like Mundo Lindo because I've wanted to have an after-school program children where they are free to create ever since my grandchildren started to draw. Every school vacation they have, they spend a few days with me and, because my whole house is full of art supplies, they are busy creating from sun-up to sun-down. I think other children will enjoy it, too.

  16. My goals are...
    *keep my studio work space in order so I can work w/o cleaning and moving stuff

    *restart the monthly journal quilt project I abandonded last year

    *carry a journal in my purse or car

  17. MaryAnn@SticksAndBroomstraws.com5/13/2010 2:18 PM

    My three goals:
    1 Make more art
    2 Improve my etsy shop
    3 Work in my journal/sketchbook daily

    You two are my favorite artists. I check your blogs daily. Jane, the class I took from you at Art Unraveled was awesome and gave me confidence to sketch.

  18. I already own Lyric's book, so please don't consider me for that but I really enjoyed the interview. LOVE the picture of Lyric with her students.

  19. Hi Jane, what a great post. I admire Lyric's work and intense focus. She is an inspiration to all of us who juggle motherhood with art, knowing which should always take priority. My three goals this year are: 1. To shift scale from small works to large installations, 2. To write three articles for three different magazines, and 3. To not lose sight of the beauty around me as I work and play. So far so good! Two out of three, and it is only May!

  20. ooh a great prize! Here are my goals:

    1) Paint every day, even if it's just a few brushstrokes.

    2) Do more mixed media work

    2) Reclaim my workout schedule. I fell off the wagon at Christmas and find it hard to get back into the swing of regular exercise

  21. what a great interview! I feel like I know Lyric now.

    Finish City and Guilds

    Try deconstructed and other screen printing techniques.

    Do enough work to begin finding my own voice.

    Major goals and they might not get finished this year but then again, they might!

  22. How nice to be introduced to your blog. It will be a great inspiration.
    My goals are
    1. To organize all of my varied craft supplies into usable form by July 1.
    2. To have an art/craft date with my grandchildren once a week during the summer.
    3. To complete three online (beginning) acrylic painting classes by August.
    and as a bonus, I'll experiment with Lyric's ideas, which I'm going to win here. (grin)

  23. How awesome that you're giving away Lyric's book! I don't have it, but I've taken classes from her before--she's awesome! My goals for this year are: 1) submit an idea for an article for publication (done! though not accepted--at least not yet!); 2) learn about and understand the process for submitting quilts to shows (in preparation for next year's goala!); 3)focusing on design rather than technique.

  24. My goals at this moment are (1) to improve my machine quilting skills, (2) to design a new quilt to teach, and (3) to experiment with color more. I love the exercises Lyric has us do.

  25. The interview was great - I am a fan of Lyric's work!
    My goals: #1(short term) Clean my work room!!
    #2 Become more comfortable calling myself an artist
    #3 Work with felt and integrate it into my surface design

  26. Hi Jane,
    I really enjoy reading your blog, looking at your creativity. You take a beautiful piece of art that you've poured your heart in, and cut it up in pieces! Who does that?!
    My goals are to turn my garage into a studio I can be proud of, build a structure in my backyard using my mosaic windows, and continue hand stitching (my mom is rolling in her grave!), I love the slow cloth.
    Thanks for the inspirations! V

  27. Hmm. 3 goals for the year?
    1. corral all of the fabric and embellishments from all over the house into ONE space
    2. work on drawing skills
    3. continue trying to make one journal quilt every month.

  28. Hi Jane.. great interview with Lyric. She is a jewel.. I have not met her in person but have taken an online class with her. I have a CD but I don't have this book.
    My goals are: Finish some UFO's
    get something done for 'Beyond Comfort'
    and learn to use my sketch book more effectively.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Hello Jane. Great interview with Lyric! I love her work.

    Three goals?
    1- To keep working on my quilts every possible moment.
    2- Learn to dye my own fabric. I bought the dyes & fabric now to get the courage to do it!
    3- Teach quilting on a quilting cruse ship!

  31. I truly enjoyed this interview and getting to know more about Lyric. Goals for the rest of the year: Improve FMQ skills, Make at least 4 quilts, laugh at least once a day.

  32. Great interview ! Looks like a great book too. A good addition to any quilt artists library.

    Three goals?
    1.More art journaling that combines both fabrics and paper
    2.Continue refining and enjoying my FMQ work
    3.Recover from upcoming back surgery and hope that I won't need the second back operation this year!

    Marie Z. Johansen

  33. Great interview. I'd love to win a copy of Lyric's great book.
    3 of my goals:
    1-draft/package more of my quilt patterns,
    2-quilt a bit each day,
    3-help educate public about the importance of quilt appraising.

    Sandra Starley

  34. My three goals...I want to finish a quilt that is a very detailed appliqued and thread painted one. I want to pursue my artistic leanings more and keep an art journal. I want to make more art instead of being a solid quilter, as I have been. I am an artist at heart and haven't allowed that side of me to exist much!

  35. Loved the interview! I took a class w/Lyric @Quilt University and she is a good 3 goals for the year are:

    1) finish going through 'Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain'
    2) Learn to take these sketches and transfer to fabric
    3)play with abandon!!!!

  36. Wow, Nice offer:>}
    Getting our kitchen finished so I can spend more time in Studio.
    Getting my Studio moved to where it will be pernament
    Working on finishing up projects that are artsy.

  37. Jane, I enjoy your blog and your work. Thanks for this great interview with Lyric. I am taking her Freeform Screen printing class through QU right now and it's a lot of fun.
    My three goals are:
    1. Carry my sketchbook with me everywhere -- and use it.
    2. Study calligraphy.
    3. Integrate screen printing into my work.

  38. Hi Jane,
    I am new to the blogesphere but I was so inspired at Paducah in Lyrics class that I was pleased to continue my acquaintance with your interview.
    Realistic goals for me.
    1. Schedule and spend 2 days a months playing with surface design supplies and techniques I was introduced to
    2. Set up an art camp one summer week with grand chilren and one of their friends.
    3. I have not spent much time exploring blogs but I am excited to see the wealth of info and inspiration available so I am going to spend 2 evenings a week in cyberspace.
    Thanks for your great blog and inteview, Jean Roth

  39. Nice interview. I would love to a chance at winning Lyric's book.

  40. Great interview!

    My 3 goals are:

    1. Improve my drawing skills
    2. Play with paint on both paper and fabric
    3. Make more smaller projects and fewer large ones so I can experiment with more techniques

  41. Three goals .... I've always made it a point not to have goals ... they get in my way and hang over my head like deadlines someone else has set. But I'll give it a shot ...

    1. Stop feeling compelled to finish projects I don't like
    2. Get rid of the UFOs I don't really like
    3. Sell stuff on eBay

  42. Thanks for asking about goals. I've been thinking about that very thing recently.

    1. Sketch, doodle, collage, paint in my sketchbook at least three times a week - I've slipped on that one although I enjoy it.

    2. Make some things that use up less than thrilling parts of my stash. Not art, but will feel better for it.

    3. Continue learning Photoshop and figure out how to use some of my 'broken camera' pictures in fabric.

  43. Enjoyed the interview!

    Three of my goals for this year:
    Enter my work in shows again- entered some already- one acceptance, 5 rejections :) A couple more to go for...

    Find some focus in my work...

    Explore more ways to incorporate my photos of flowers and nature into my quilts.

  44. Carole Hoffman5/15/2010 12:29 PM

    I enjoyed the interview with Lyric (love her name) very much.
    To try to stay focused on what I am doing

    To be organized

    To work when I can instead of day dreaming so much

  45. Wonderful interview!

    Goals? Humm!

    1. finish a few WIP's so I can fit more in
    2. learn how to journal my art properly
    3. experiment more


  46. Very nice interview.

    Goals: 1.) Clean and organize my sewing room
    2.) Finish at least one UFO
    3.) Continue learning about art quilting techniques such as dyeing and printing in various ways.

  47. Jane,
    Without currently enrolled with Lyric in a class, I would have never known of your great site!
    My goals are especially important today since tomorrow, the 16th is my birthday!
    1. Stop thinking I'm not creative and comparing myself to others,
    2. Incorporate a new medium into my quilting each quarter,
    3. Enter a work into a show in 2010.
    Thanks for the opportunity,

  48. I thoroughly enjoyed your interview with Lyric. Her book is at the top of my "to buy" list.

    Three of my goals for this year
    1. Art practice every day in my studio.
    2. Start my blog
    3. Share my art and skill by mentoring a young person.

  49. Great interview, Lyric and Jane! Thank you. Three of my goals are to:
    *Practice, practice, practice freemotion quilting until I'm confident about it.
    *Clean up and reorganize my sewing room so it will be easier to create.
    *Finish up (or work on) as many UFOs as possible.


Thanks so much for visiting!