Tuesday, May 04, 2010


 We're leaving for Orvieto on May 20th! I can't believe it's almost here. It's been a year and a half in the planning, and suddenly it's upon us! I have 13 students, from the US, Canada, Paris and Mombai! How cool is that? So, here's my palette (Alizarin Crimson, Quinacridone Red, New Gamboge, Ultramarine Blue, Prussian Blue, Raw Umber, Burnt Sienna, Quinacridone Gold, Sap Green.)


  1. I loved this area of Italy, and visited Orvieto so I can't wait to see what lovely art work comes from your visit.

  2. So cool! It's going to be fabulous!

  3. The excitement is building!!!! I can't wait. I must admit I am scared to travel from Rome to Orvieto by myself. I don't know where the hell I am going and how to get there but I am excited.

  4. have fun! I was thinking of joining you but I am not getting to italy till september this year!!! hope it is sensational!

  5. I remember hearing a small voice that said the Italy trip might not work out, no one was signing up! ENJOY!

  6. Oh I know you'll have a great time! That palette looks like dessert. I want to EAT it!

  7. I am so envious; I hope all of you have a fabulous trip and share your watercolor sketches when you return with those of us not going. Enjoy! Kay


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