Saturday, October 02, 2010

Random Arts

 While in North Carolina, I taught two workshops at Random Arts, in Saluda. A wonderful experience, thanks to the exuberant Jane Alice Powell, owner of Random Arts. I'll be going back there, in 2011 to teach again, and I'm already looking forward to it. I'll teach "Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style" again, but what else should I teach? Suggestions?
 You can see the rest of my trip photos here.


  1. how cool - i want to take your class! how about doing something about the creative process, about coming up with ideas - you could wrap it in to exercises with the watercoloring and journaling. i bet a lot of people would be interested in that.

    i LOVE the color and fiber in your blog header photo.

  2. What fun! Love your kimono wrap blouse. Love your special touch in teaching. I went and looked at the photos and it looked like you and your students had a great time.

  3. Your road trip and class looked wonderful! I'm SO IMPRESSED with the student's leaves! WTG Teach!



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