Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Chad Alice Hagen, my new idol and Asheville

This is Chad Alice Hagen's work. and here is her blog. Just take a look at her work on flickr. I was lucky enough to spend time with her while I was in Asheville. She dyes felt, using a resist method. Her work is GORGEOUS. Not to mention she's a total kick. I hope to take a workshop from her soon!
And just one more post on Asheville, North Carolina. If you go, eat at Tupelo Honey Cafe, go to Blue Spiral Gallery, and Grovewood Gallery and the Folk Art Center. And you already know to visit the Biltmore Estate.


  1. Iam always amazed with the vibrant colors in your work. Love following your blog.

  2. I love Chad's work, I'm off to check her out, thanks for the link.

  3. Randi Nervig10/06/2010 4:17 PM

    Chad was artist in residence at the Un. of MN and I took a surface design class from her which changed my life. So I understand when you say she's your new idol. I'll be interested to see how her work influences yours - it'll be fabulous, I'm sure!

  4. Jane, I didn't even have to read the title of your post to know that this one was going to be about Miz Chad! A hoot indeed and her work is so identifiable and unique. You MUST take a workshop from her if you can, it will change your life for sure - it did mine! I'm going to send you a couple links via your email so be on the lookout....

    And your work is gorgeous and unique, too!!

  5. THanks for sharing Chad's work - I love her felted pieces!

  6. No wonder you like her work so much. It's impressive.


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