Monday, October 25, 2010

my audience at Quilt Visions

 I was honored (extremely honored) to be included in Sunday's panel as part of Quilt Visions exhibition weekend. Judith Content moderated, and panelists Katie Pasquini-Masopust, Deidre Adams, Gloria Hansen and me. Did I get a photo of the panel, no..but here's the audience before we started! about 100 people.
As I look at this photo, I'm still stunned to have been sitting up there! really. I think it's just sinking in now, which is probably a good thing, or I would have been a wreck. Deidre showed her 10 minute power point presentation first, then Gloria, and I'm thinking, OMG, what am I doing here?? Then it was my turn (by the way, my first power point presentation in my life) and I figured, WTH, I can just be myself. I've worked hard to be where I am today, and even though, compared to the accomplishments, awards, body of work, books... of the other women on the panel, I'm a rookie-pip-squeek...  I must bring something to the table, if it's only chutzpah!!


  1. You did a fabulous job with your presentation and all that you had to say on the panel. This is a learning experience for all of us. I really enjoyed every minute of it.

  2. All I can say is that I was so proud of you! You are the one who got me started on my art journey and it is good to see my teacher's extraordinary development and progress over the four years I've know you. The one thing I want you to know is that whatever anyone else's accomplishments, please keep in mind that you have 100s of students who adore you, your work and your classes! Great teachers are rare!

    Lisa Yoder


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