Friday, October 29, 2010


needs a title...
 I love Lisa Kesler's work. She had a article in Cloth Paper Scissors (May/June 2010) with her prints on wood and I bought one from her. In the recent Sept/October 2011 issue of CPS, I admired an article on textured work, done with moulding paste, and image my surprise when it was Lisa's work again! So, here's my take on it. I followed the directions in the article. This is 8x8" and clearly not my usual style (hmm, and what would my usual style be??) It was fun to do and I'll do more!


  1. Wow. Your bird is lucious. I love all the textures and colors. you done really good.

  2. Jane,

    It looks great! Did you enjoy working with the molding paste? I love layering the paints over the texture. You never know how it will turn out so there are always lots of good surprises.

  3. I like it!!!

    A couple weeks ago, I saw some paintings by a local artist who uses caulk to create texture on her canvases -- I guess she was doing this for many years, before the explosion of new acrylic products we have now. On some of her paintings, it looked as if she was applying it with a caulking gun, or a pastry bag. If I had the money, I would have snapped up her painting of the sea floor. There are so many possibilities in this stuff!

  4. A great new use for your crow/bird design.
    I love crows in artworks, especially this time of year.
    I think the crow is the totem animal for Libras...
    All your styles are expressive and freeing, I think! So why settle for just one??? What freedom is in that?

  5. Jane I love your new header! It is very much you ;-)

    Take care

  6. Hi your work! The watercolors are amazing and this textured bird is amazing too. First time to your blog...I'll be back to JaneVille.


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