Friday, October 22, 2010

Recycled Circles Revisited

I taught at Art Unraveled this past August (always lots of fun and a great experience) and one of my classes was "Recycled Circles." You can see some of the student work here. Four of the delightful students in the class, became instant friends and decided to do a collaborative Recycled Circles project. One picked the fabric, one the papers, one  the threads and one the embellishments, then they exchanged a packet of each, and began work on 4 squares. Once they'd each created 4 squares, they sent 1 each to each of the four women and assembled them! don't you love that idea? Here's the photos of what they did. Thanks Jonell Harvey, Erin Garmon, Annie Tinnesand and Shelley Boose--you're the best!!
Annie selected the paper
Jonelle chose the fabric
Erin chose the thread, wire, yarn

Shelly collected the buttons and beads

Four squares from one artist, before sending 3 of them off.

Four squares from one artist, before sending 3 of them off.
(You can see how with the even exact same
materials, each one looks so unique.)

And here, the four squares meet.
A section by Annie, Shelley, Erin and Jonelle.


  1. I LOVE how this turned out and I am not a big fan of blue and brown!!! I love it when you give many poeple the very same supplies and you can get such a read on each others design esthetic and personality from the results!!!
    Obviously your students loved their fabulous teacher and her fabulous class!! This would be a great one to teach in Saluda next fall- YES that is a big huge hint!!!!!!
    Happy Weekend!!!

  2. Wonderful design and such great results in collaboration!

  3. This is so cool! I think this is a fabulous idea for 'team building' etc. I teach art techniques to people with mental health issues and think it's a great idea for a workshop. Would you mind terribly if I used it? Anyway, love it!

  4. What a great idea! I lived how they turned out! Beautiful colors! You must have been an inspirational "teacher".

    Take care

  5. I love this idea! The collaboration really works well with the circles.


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