Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A note from Danny

danny's note

I received this in the mail yesterday, from  the wonderful Danny Gregory. After I wiped the tears from my eyes, I decided I will do just want Danny suggests. Write a few notes to people I love, who I haven't talked to in a while. So, I'll take the next few days off and do just that.
Thankful for my husb, my life, my art, Danny and you, dear readers.


  1. Jane, in Saluda in Sept. you told our class about Danny and how dear he is to you. I went to his site and ended up ordering An Illustrated Life, which i'm just eating with a spoon. Thus, I'm putting The Creative License and Everyday Matters on my Christmas list. You are a great Danny Disciple (sp), and i appreciate his work and marvelous spirit. Thanks again Mama Crow (Linda K)

  2. Dear Jane, Thank you for sharing your art. I visit your blog every morning to start my day with beauty. I'm thankful for you on this day before Thanksgiving. Barbara

  3. LOVE this idea.. and what better time... here at Thanksgiving

  4. Thank you Jane for always being a bright spot in my day. Sending notes via snail mail is something I love. It is like sending a hug and more personal than email. Have a beautiful holiday. Hugs.

  5. Your post sent me back to Danny's site and I was reminded again of what gifts he passes to us through his vulnerability, humor, and honesty.

  6. What a touching post! One more affirmation (or should I say kick in the pants?) to get busy. I know your friends will delight in hearing from you. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  7. Thank you for your beautiful and colorful art, I visit your blog daily and inspires me a lot.

  8. Jane
    I have 2 of Danny Gregory books. I do know the story of Patti's tragedy inspiring him in his art and consequently "saving" his life. I did not know that she had died. What a touching response to your friendship. Happy Thanksgiving

  9. what a marvelous message he sends through his art and with his words. Jane, thank you for sharing that with us all. (and I'll be watching my mailbox ... LOL) xo - Davi


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