Saturday, November 13, 2010

An unforgetable adventure.

Sleepover at CCAE Musem
Oh my. Husb and I spent the night in a fort last night, in a museum.

Artist Wes Bruce at CCAE Musem
The amazing artist (words can't express...) Wes Bruce.
Wes created and built the installation "The Secrets Surrounding the Mysterious Life & Psychology of Ms. Augustine Greane" © 2010 Wes Bruce. The exhibition runs through Dec 31, in Escondido, California. you gotta see it.  
concert at the Sleepover at CCAE Musem
The evening started with an intimate, amazing, heartful, original concert by Meaghan Maples, Bryan Bangerter and Joel West and  Kelly Bennett.

Sleepover at CCAE Musem
We all sat close together, feeling the music and the honesty of the talented group of singer songwriters.
dinner/ Sleepover at CCAE Musem
Then, a fabulous dinner in the museum. The meal began with the best spareribs I've ever eaten, then salmon in foil with artichokes, asparagus and potatoes, and finished with somemores of homemade graham crackers, marshmallows and warm chocolate.

Sleepover at CCAE Musem
The installation  fills a very large room in the museum. This picture is only a small part of the fort.

Sleepover at CCAE Musem
We slept in the fort, in sleeping bags, along with about 25 of our now closest friends.

Andrew (in the white t-shirt) wrote some original stories and read them aloud during the concert and shown here, at breakfast. An incredibly gifted writer. (Wes sits next to him, to the left.)

Sleepover at CCAE Musem
A wonderous miraculous adventure never to be forgotten.


  1. That's about the most amazing thing I've ever seen! What a great and creative experiment. Gotta love those youthful energies! Kelli

  2. how cool! looks like a fabulous and memorable experience.

  3. What a fun idea. The dinner sounds yummy. I love the quote.

  4. This sounds like such a great idea. Wish more museums were this user friendly.

  5. What a joyful life you lead, Jane. I would love to have an experience like that :)

  6. Experiential and Fun! Wish I could have gone.

  7. WHOA... Love all the positive reinforcement... make use "The Universe Dwells within you..." quote for my next bracelet.


  8. Wow Jane. What a great experience. Sleeping in a fort.....even better with your husband. When I was a child my brother and I build forts either in our big pepper tree or on the ground or even under the ground. Sleeping inside was the piece de reisistance! Only very lonely....You had all these friends and Don!.
    Honestly, though, I think you two would have fit right in to the "hippy" generation in the 60s.

  9. What a wonderful experience!


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