Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nostalgia ~ a work in progress

When I read a book, and find something I want to remember or go back to, I turn down the corner of the page. It seems I have turnd nearly ever page corner in Cas Holmes new book "The Found Object in Textile Art." I really really like this book and her approach to art. Cas combines paper and cloth with mark making, stitching, and layering in a creative and serendipitous manner that I simply love. As she writes in her book "It is the materials that inform the process, because they often have a connection to a give place or a particular time."
I spent a little time in my studio yesterday, channeling Cas Holmes.

nostalgia ~ in progress

nostalgia ~ in progress

nostalgia ~ in progress

nostalgia ~ in progress

I monoprinted the cloth, last year, in Melly Testa's workshop.


  1. Love the direction this is going!

  2. I like the colors, texture, and gestural quality of this. I too just bought the book and love it! I also bought Drawn to Stitch by Gwen Hedley which I think you would also like.

  3. Holly, yes, I bought 'drawn to stitch' at the same time, but haven't opened it yet...

  4. Love it! will check the book.

  5. I love your monoprinted cloth,looking forward to see the progress. Thanks for putting the link to Cas Holmes.
    Cariños de Trudis

  6. I too bought both books. I will be lucky enough to do a class with Cas when she comes to Oz in April. Love what you have done.

  7. Nice work Jane and thanks for the link!

  8. I love the daisy motif. I just received both books and I am looking forward to immersing myself in them this winter. Have a fantastic week.

  9. I love the way you outline the flower & the colors are great.


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