Sunday, February 20, 2011

coffee shop journal

coffee shop journal
One of my new year's words was 'coffee.' I wanted to make the time to have coffee dates with my husb. Here's the little journal I carry with me, to sketch, paint and record, those dates.

coffee shop journal
A permanent ink pen, Waterbrush, pencil and a Tombow water soluble pen, & my tiny journal. (supply sources are on my 'products I use' page.)

coffee shop journal

coffee shop journal

coffee shop journal
My online Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style class starts March 3.


  1. i like your little journal, jane....and of course, the art you put in it.... ;)

  2. Ditto what Janie said. Your work inspires me to work on my drawing skills (or lack thereof).

  3. You blog is much wonderful information.....You are a very talented lady and I have enjoyed my visit to your blog......

  4. so very inspiring!A coffee date sketch book! I especially love the strawberry page.LOOOOVE your sketch book cover too! ♥

  5. Judy Ranieri2/21/2011 9:26 AM

    I just love your work. It always makes me smile.

    Judy Ranieri

  6. I can't wait to meet you & see your wonderful work!

  7. gayle - squetcher2/27/2011 3:59 PM

    I admired this when you first posted it but I wanted to say thanks. Looking at it again reminds me that I should wash some colour on the pages of the book that I made. It makes such a nice difference.
    Your little journal is lovely.


Thanks so much for visiting!